Postdocs / Guest Scientists

Dr William Schneider  Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant | collaboration with Bangor Uni, UK


Schneider WT, Holland RA, Keiss O, Lindecke OMigratory bats are sensitive to magnetic inclination during the compass calibration period. (2023) pdf

Schneider WT, Packmor F, Lindecke O, Holland RA. Sense of doubt: Inaccurate and alternate locations of virtual magnetic displacements may give a distorted view of animal magnetoreception ability.  Communications Biology 6: 187 (2023). pdf  + suppl pdf  

Schneider WT, Holland RA, Lindecke OOver 50 years of behavioural evidence on the magnetic sense in animals - What has been learnt and how? The European Physical Journal Special Topics (2023)pdf

PhD students

Pegah Negahdar, MSc    Uni Oldenburg & SFB 1372  | Migratory bat magnetic sensing

Fedor Cellarius, MSc      Uni Oldenburg & SFB 1372  | Bat magnetic orientation and navigation

Students & project assistants

Nicole Jordan, BSc    Uni Oldenburg | Research and teaching assistant | Bat ecology

Jaclyn Niehues    Uni Oldenburg | Research assistant | Comparative methods of bat movement recording

Former students, project assistants & guests

Roberts Jansons    Uni Latvia  | BDHK Projekt Grant 2022 | Butterfly navigation

Alise Elksne, BSc    Uni Latvia  | Migratory bat orientation | collaborator: Dr. G. Petersons, Latvia Uni Appl. Sci. & Tech., LV


Lindecke O, Elksne A, Holland RA, Pētersons G, Voigt CC. Experienced migratory bats integrate the sun's position at dusk for navigation at night. Current Biology 29: 1369-1373.e3 (2019). pdf incl. supplement | ResearchGate

Lindecke O, Elksne A, Holland RA, Pētersons G, Voigt CC. Orientation and flight behaviour identify the Soprano pipistrelle as a migratory bat species at the Baltic Sea coast. Journal of Zoology 308: 56-65 (2019). pdf ResearchGate